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In the 9000E faucet, flow comes from the shower and from the tap at the same time

Hello.  The shower and faucet are leaking at the same time, what needs to be replaced?


  • Hi,

    According to what you describing you have to change the cartidge in the diverter. Articlenumber for new cartidge: 8221706.

    Daniel Kundsupport
  • Could you please provide instructions on how to replace the diverter cartridge?
  • Hi,

    We don´t have any instruction. But it´s quite straight forward.

    Loosen the knob by pulling it straight out. There is a PH screw inside the knob. Loosen the screw and remove the white plastic.

    Unscrew the nut holding the cartidge, fit in the new cartidge and reassemble in the reverse order.


    Daniel Kundsupport
  • I have a smxitel 9000E art.  8190-7500.  Switching from tap to watering can is done by turning the tap.  Where is the cartridge located in the spout or watering can?  attaching photo.
  • Hi,

    Okey, you don´t have the showerkit, only the handshower. Then there is another solution. You might not have to change anything, it might be enough to follow the following instruction.

    Its only in Swedish but I hope you understand it anyway.

    Vrid pipen (vridomkastarpipen) så att den pekar åt vänster jämns med blandarhuset. Då skall man på
    baksidan av pipen se en insexskruv. Syns inte skruven (se bild) har omkastarfunktionen hamnat helt ur
    sitt läge.

    Man måste då vrida runt pipen tills man ser insexskruven på baksidan av pipen, lossa den och göra en
    ommontering* av pipen. Kan man inte hitta skruven eller inte ta bort blandaren från väggfästet
    behöver man göra följande:

    Ta hjälp av en 8 mm insexnyckel i utloppsnippeln och vrid medsols medan pipen hålls fast, vrid tills
    skruven syns.

    Lossa skruven, ta loss pipen och gör en ommontering* av pipen.

    Om man hittar skruven i annat läge eller kan ta bort blandaren från väggen är det bara att vrida pipen
    tills skruven syns, lossa den och göra en ommontering* av pipen.

    Skjut upp pipen på blandarens utloppsnippel och vrid den i läge rakt till vänster. Tryck upp pipen mot
    blandarhuset och skruva fast den, i vänsterläge, med en 3 mm insexnyckel.

    Daniel Kundsupport
  • If you said that the mixer is easy to disassemble and reassemble, then I did it.  I turned the spout, the screw was visible.  I removed the spout and unscrewed the spout with a 6mm hex.  Then I put it back together.  Nothing changed.  Water also flows from the spout and from the watering can.
  • What should I do if after disassembling and collecting the spout, nothing has changed?
  • Hi,

    If you tested the above and it still dosen´t work, you have to change the spout/diverter.


    Daniel Kundsupport
  • Could you provide a link to the store?  I can not find.
  • Hi,

    You can find our products at nearest retailer or vvs webbshops.

    Daniel Kundsupport
  • Please provide a link to online stores.  I can not find.
  • Simon Kundsupport

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